Gain leadership support by presenting a compelling business case for a proactive ergonomics process.

Ergonomics ROI and Cost-Justification Resources
5 Proven Benefits of Ergonomics in the Workplace
Leading companies are integrating ergonomics deeply into all of their operations, and it’s no wonder when you take a look at the benefits of an effective ergonomics process. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries reviewed 250 ergonomics case studies to reveal the impact of ergonomics on business goals like cost savings, productivity and product quality. What did they find? That ergonomics is well worth the investment.
Why an Ergonomics Program Makes Good Business Sense!
According to Professor Alan Hedge of Cornell University, good ergonomics programs are always cost effective – they save more than they cost, and many studies have shown this. He writes that, “when ergonomics is an integral part of basic job and workplace design and not an afterthought, it’s no more expensive to choose a good ergonomic design for a workplace than to choose a bad design. The difference isn’t ergonomics, it’s education!”
Good Ergonomics Make for Good Economics
Amy Rice, MSPT, makes the point that with some relatively simple and inexpensive changes, you can address ergonomic issues and reap handsome rewards without breaking the bank.
Ergonomics for the Safety Professional
For a broad view on the value of ergonomics (and the broader role of the safety professional), see this PowerPoint deck from Cindy Roth. These slides contain tons of valuable information you can use to make the case that the value of ergonomics far exceeds the costs.
Cost-justifying Wellness Programs to Reduce Ergonomic Risk Factors
Chronic health conditions are a well documented risk factor that contribute to MSDs. What if ergonomics (the discipline of workplace design) was combined with wellness (a discipline that promotes workforce health) to create a powerful injury prevention and health promotion process? What would that look like and what would the return on investment be? Learn more in this presentation from Ellen Gallo, MS, CSP, CPE.
NSC: Demonstrating the Business Value of Ergonomics
According to this article in EHS Today magazine, there are several ROI models to demonstrate the value of ergonomics. These include regulatory compliance, health and safety performance, and production enhancement.
Justifying the Investment in Ergonomics
This article included in ASSE’s Body of Knowledge (BoK) gives several common reasons CEO’s resist an investment in ergonomics, along with the answer to each reason. The article continues with providing the business case for ergonomics and provides several practical case study examples you can use.
Ergonomics Solutions Cost Justification
This PowerPoint slide deck by Cindy Roth gives a detailed analysis on ergonomics cost-justification. It’s important to consider all factors in the ergonomics ROI calculation, including capital costs, production costs and overhead costs.
Ergonomics Project Cost-justification Worksheets
The Ergonomic Cost-Justification files from Cornell University Ergonomics Web are worksheets that can help you to calculate a return-on-investment (ROI) for an ergonomics intervention that you have made. Each file is available as a downloadable ‘.pdf’ file.
Examples of Costs and Benefits of Ergonomics
This is perhaps the most widely cited document on proving the value of ergonomics in the workplace. The Washington State Department of Labor and Industries evaluated 250 case studies in ergonomics and evaluated the results. The link above points to a pdf file on the accumulation of the results of this study.
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