Mastering Ergonomics / Measuring Progress
Confirming Risk Reduction with Post-Improvement Assessments
Congratulations! You’ve completed a workplace improvement project.
So what’s next?
It’s time to check to make sure the improvement successfully lowered MSD risk factors by completing a post-improvement ergonomic assessment. This is the “Check” or “Measure Progress” part of your continuous improvement process.
If your post-improvement assessment confirm a risk reduction, you can move on to the next project on your ergonomic opportunity list.
If the job or task you’ve improved is common at your worksite or throughout your enterprise, be sure to share the solution with other members of your team or with other sites that would find the information helpful. This helps to scale the solution throughout your enterprise.
Example Post-Improvement Assessment
The following video is an example of a post-improvement assessment performed using the ErgoPlus Platform.